Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Namesake

So many of you may be wondering how I got my name or if it short for something.  Well, it is not short for anything.  It is Toye, just Toye.  I was told two different stories growing up on how I was named, one by my next oldest cousin and one by my parents.  Of course I believed my parents, they are the ones that gave it to me. But I will share both for fun.

My next oldest cousin, Lyna, was about three years old when I was born.  She swears to this day that when I was born my parents asked her what my name should be.  She says since I was born in January and she was soooo young, the only two words she could think of were Toys and Santa Clause.  Bahahaha.  I just crack up at this story every time she tells it.  Like anyone would trust a three year old to name their child for the rest of her natural born life. I still love her.

The real story is my dad is a classical pianist, and I was named after a piece of music written by Giles Farnaby (c. 1563 - November 1640), "A Toye".  It has always been told to me that this was a favorite piece of my parents and that my father still had the sheet music, but it was one of his many boxes of sheet music.  I had never even thought to look it up on the Internet until the other day, one of my patients asked me why I had not used the wonderful resource of the world wide web to find it.  Well today I did and I was very pleasantly surprised that I love it also.  So much so that I set it as the ring tone on my phone.  Okay, maybe that's a little overboard.  So to be a little more overboard, I thought I would share it with you.

Okay enough of that.  Onto one of my favorite tutorials I have found this week. This tutorial for making Plump Partridges for your Christmas tree by Modest Maven. Are they not adorable?  I will be taking this pattern with me this week to make some of these with my MIL and my grandbabies.  I am so excited.  Oh and my dear MIL has told my husband that she plans on sending me home at the end of the week with a very special gift.  I can't freaking wait!

And now for what I have been working on this week.  My first real quilt top.  I am currently working on my first disappearing nine block topper.  I am so in love with that fabrics and even was able to incorporate some fussy cats (I just learned this term this week, so proud lol).  I am not nearly finished with the quilt, but I did Finish two rows : ).

1 comment:

  1. Disappearing 9-patches are so much fun to make. How interesting about your name. And thanks so much for linking up this week!
