I am thankful for my family, including my in laws. I am especially thankful for my parents, my kids, my wonderful hubby, and my grandchildren. I am thankful that I am able to work and support my family. I am thankful for the roof over our heads, the clothes on our backs, and the food on our table. If in this life I were to never have more than that, I would be forever grateful and happy.
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope you did also. We spent the week at my Mother-In-Laws in Graham, TX. This is one of those towns that is a little spread out, but if you grew up there like my FIL, you know everyone. I love that. I wish I had that.
My stepson and his family are currently living there with my MIL and FIL getting a new start after some hard times. I am so glad they are here in Texas instead of so far away in NW Arkansas. This means my dear grandchildren are only 6 hours away. You just don't know how happy this makes me.
While we were there my MIL informed my she had just bought a new Singer Pro 5 Serger. I am a little jealous, I must admit. She had no idea how to use it, so I hopped on YouTube of course to find videos since the instruction booklet was not very helpful for a novice. From there I was able to thread it for her and do some practice stitches. This lead to time spent in her sewing room. I love her sewing room. It is full of fabric, batting, lace, eyelet, yarn, buttons, and lots of old magazines and books on crocheting and quilting.
This is just one corner of the room.
It's a little unorganized and less used that it was a few years ago before her stroke. I am sure she misses using it the way she used to. My in laws live on the lake and used to run a little store and bait shop on the property. She would make clothes, aprons, and doll clothes and sell them in the shop.
She was so nice and sent me home with lots of fabric to use for my new quilting hobby. She even sent me home with a quilt top that she made years ago for my husband. I also received twelve muslin blocks with dolls already sewn on them. I just have to finish the line embroidery on them, add some sashing, and make a quilt.
Just some of the fabric she sent me home with.
And don't you just love random pictures taken by your grandchild running around the house with your phone? I don't know why but this is one of my favorite spots in my MIL's house.
Thankful. For Family. For Life. For Love. And For Happiness. Thankful!